June 4, 2012

Anarchism isn’t really what you think it is, which is probably a form of society in which there is no government, no rules, no nothing, just bloodshed. No, that is wrong, but partially right. In proper Anarchism, there are rules, laws, and the such, but there is no government. Every citizen gets exactly one vote, and that counts as exactly one vote. Every citizen also has the right to vote on every issue. This makes it the purest form of Democracy.
However, there are many different forms of Anarchism, some of which I will describe:

First off, the basic term, Anarchy. Anarchy isn’t a state in which a country has no rules, no leaders, no nothing. An Anarchy is simply the state of having no government. Many “Anarchist” protesters ruin the name of proper Anarchists, by wanting no rules and the such, like those at the G20 Summit in Toronto during 2010.

Anarcho-collectivism, also known as Collectivist Anarchism, was the theory of Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian revolutionary. The term “collectivism” was first used to separate Anarcho-collectivists from Anarcho-communists, which Bakunin called authoritarian.

You could describe Anarcho-collectivism as Anarchist Capitalism, but it’s  much more complicated than that. Workers wages are decided democratically, based on how hard the job is, and how long they work. These wages are then spent in a market.

Anarcho-communism, first proposed by Karl Marx, is very different from Anarcho-collectivism. In Anarcho-communism, there are no wages, and everybody gets what they need to live. On paper, Anarcho-communism is one of the best forms of society, but cannot be reproduced in the real world due to human nature. Anarcho-communism, and just Communism in general, has had its name tarnished by several countries who did it wrong, such as the Soviet Union and China.

~Mein Identity Keeps Esoteric

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